Kevin Harding and
KH Photography
Kevin Harding is not a traditional photographer. Trained in political science, public policy, and philosophy, he has worked in government, universities, and the private sector. He has been a consultant, a researcher, and a community builder.
As a photographer, Kevin wants his photography to start and change conversations. He believes that photography has a capacity to to connect people, change minds, and make differences in the world.
Trained in film photography at Langara College, and under the direction of Russel and Wendy Kwan of New Mythographs Photography in Vancouver, Kevin strives to build bodies of work that illustrate important, controversial, pressing, or untold stories. Kevin is a member of the Canadian Association for Photography Art and the Film Shooters Collective.
KH Photography is Kevin’s photographic studio, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Silver and Light
Established in 2018, KH Photography operates a darkroom as part of BC Artscape in Chinatown, Vancouver. The darkroom, Silver and Light, operates as both an artistic practice space for KH Photography, and a community darkroom, available for film photographers in Vancouver and for classes and workshops.